Some pictures from the Divine Studio sale. New displays here too. Sachets and Celine's gorgeous cards and flip books on the cupcake tower my dad made for the wedding. Also the birch stumps that we used with infusion jars for lemonade etc. The new signage was my first foray into freezer paper stencils and it was awesome and so fun to do. I had Ben print out the logo directly on the paper and then I cut it all out with an x-acto. The cutting took up the bulk of the time for the entire project, but even that it only took about an hour and a half, including drying time. My favorite part about the freezer paper is that you can accurately place the negative space pieces without having those stencil lines that normally hold those little pieces, and make things look distinctly 'stencil-ly.' I'm also intrigued by the ephemeral nature of this type of stencil. For the most part you can only use them once. Of course there are ways to be careful and use images that aren't so delicate so that you might be able to use a stencil more than once. But I really like the idea of a-of-a-kind print. Look for more of this come spring.